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9 Months Pregnant.

Heart shape on belly

You’ve made it. Your baby could arrive any day now – can you believe it?

All babies born between 38 and 42 weeks of pregnancy are considered full term. Your specific due date is simply in the middle of this four week timeframe. If you haven’t welcomed your little one into the world just yet, your baby is simply enjoying their last bit of time in your cosy womb.

It’s normal to feel anxious at this final point of pregnancy. Conflicting emotions and concerns about feeling unprepared but excited to meet your little one may be difficult to deal with.

Try to keep your mind occupied. Educate yourself on how to care for your newborn. Check the pregnancy content on the Huggies site.

From the moment your baby arrives you’ll be busy. It’s hard to imagine that such a tiny person can take up so much time, but they will! Learning in advance how to give your little one their first bath, how to swaddle them and change a nappy will only make life easier.

You at 9 months pregnant

Your body is ready to give birth. Pretty soon you could be in labour and on your way to the maternity hospital. Or perhaps you’ve booked in for an elective caesarian section. Try not to panic when labour does start. Millions of women have given birth to healthy babies in and the odds are very high that you will do the same.

Be prepared for the following situations in the lead up to labour:

  • You might not give birth on your due date. 95% of women don’t give birth exactly on their exact due date. Your baby could be born any time from 38 to 42 weeks.
  • Your waters could break any day now. If this happens, you will most likely feel liquid trickling down your leg, not a sudden splash of water on the floor. Don’t panic. Just get to a bathroom and call your partner and doctor. This usually signals labour. However, you might not give birth for another 24 to 48 hours yet. It is a sign though that things are starting.
  • You will go into labour. Somehow your body knows when it’s time to give birth. It starts to release chemicals (called prostaglandins) that cause your cervix to dilate and your uterus to start contracting. Your contractions could be fast and strong following your water breaking. Or you may not have any contractions for a while. Every woman and each labour is different.

Your baby at 9 months pregnant

Your little one will be ready to meet you anytime from 38 weeks gestation. By now they will weigh in at around two and a half to four kilograms and measure anywhere between 45 to 55 centimetres.

In the lead up to delivery, the umbilical cord will begin to transfer antibodies to your baby. The antibodies will help your baby build up immunity to many harmful bacteria and germs that are in the outside world.

Things to think about

You might have your labour planned out precisely in your head. However, chances are when your delivery day comes, things will go a little differently.

It’s very normal to experience feelings of disappointment and worry when things don’t go to plan. Do your best to go with the flow. The most important thing is that you and your baby make it through delivery safely and in good health.

Know that any drama you go through on the big day will eventually become a fond and cherished memory that you will one day share with your child.

If however, you have problems accepting the type of labour and birth you had, speak with your maternity care provider. Some women need counselling after their baby’s birth to help them come to terms with their experience.

Do you know that an average baby will need 1057 nappy changes in the first 6 months? Get exclusive promotions and free diaper samples by joining the Huggies Club now!


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